Thursday, May 31, 2007

Konami admits that the PS3 is the most powerful console

Konami and the team behind Silent Hill have looked at the current consoles and concluded they all have limitations that hamper their ideas for the game and delay progress. Except the PlayStation 3.
No multiplatform plans as of yet. But the sales of PS3 are slow so they may have to reconsider later on down the road if things appear dismal. Which of course means delayed progress and not taking advantage of the PS3's power.
Tsuboyama claims Blu-ray will be a very necessary asset in their development of the game.
The PS3, he says, is tough to work with, but when they get used to it, the processing power will be far beyond the other consoles.

Folding@Home: Petaflop achieved

Check it out:

Re5 to be ps3 exclusive[rumor]

Rumors regarding potential PS3 exclusives are flying this week, as we learned that Konami is currently planning to release Silent Hill 5 only on Sony's platform, provided console sales increase. Now, another game is on the radar for PS3 exclusivity: Resident Evil 5.

Actually, this isn't a new rumor, but once again, a variety of Japanese media outlets have reported the 360 version of the game - initially planned by Capcom - has been dropped. There is no concrete evidence or quotes to be found, but in the past, Capcom has denied any such thing. They're still releasing the anticipated survival/horror title for both the PS3 and Xbox 360, but for whatever reason, numerous Japanese sources want to say otherwise.

From our viewpoint, it actually makes a lot more sense to see Silent Hill 5 exclusive to the PS3; after all, the last two installments were exclusive to the PS2. Furthermore, Capcom has already enjoyed great success with 360 exclusives (Dead Rising and Lost Planet), so it seems rather unlikely they'd ignore Microsoft's platform when they release their biggest game of the new generation. But that's just our opinion; we'll keep you apprised of any new developments on the RE 5 front.

Gears Of War 2 for Ps3? Maybe

After the recent fanboy grab for MGS4, it would seem that this is an equally valid argument at this stage in the generation. As many of us know, Sony Pictures is working in correlation withj FoxHound Studios to bring the MGS movie out of the dark. This is considerable leverage for exclusivity rights that often gets overlooked in the ongoing debate regarding MGS4 and it's true home, the PS3.

On the flipside, it would seem that Developer/Publisher relations between Epic and Microsoft Game Studios is at an all time low and even spilling out into the public. In short, Epic has had to break every rule they've laid down for themselves and their reputation with the PC gaming community in the name of Microsoft profiteering... and they know it!

Cliff Bleszinski of Epic has even been quoted as threatening Microsoft to port over GeOW to the PS3 to try to leverage some developer rights over the content of the game and XBox Live, but they have already inked the contract and Microsoft is winning much to the chagrin of Epic. Is there a change in the tides over at Epic? Have they learned their lesson from doing business with the devil? Unreal Tournament games have always used OpenGL in correlation with DirectX in the PC sector. These guys were also one of the first to show off their game engine running on early PS3 devleopment hardware at E3 '05. It seems almost like a perfect match.

PlayStation Experience Truck receives Best Vehicle Design award

Do you remember those PlayStation Experience Trucks happily roaming your quiet peaceful towns every now and then? Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) is happy to announce that these custom built, double expandable 53-foot trailers have received the Best Vehicle Design during the Ex Awards sponsored by Event Marketer Magazine.

Ex Awards, for those not in the know, honors the very best promotional campaigns in the whole world. Sony's competitors in the said division included Proctor & Gamble and General Motors. SCEA Senior VP of Marketing Peter Dille had this to say:

Winning the 2007 Ex Award for our PlayStation Experience truck is a great honor and testament to the design and strategy behind this revolutionary marketing vehicle Traveling around the country to various events and concerts, PlayStation Experience is a true ambassador of the PlayStation brand.

In case these happy trucks didn't pass by your location for whatever reason, we're telling you that you really missed a lot. Just so you know, here are a few of the PS Experience Truck's more remarkable features:
A PlayStation 3 (PS3) gaming area featuring a 52-inch LCD screen and plush leather chairs
The PS3 Lounge which features seating for six gamers across three different gaming stations

Two individual PS3 gaming kiosks each featuring their own 40-inch LCD TV
Ten individual PS3 stand-alone gaming stations

Two PSP (PlayStation Portable) Zones featuring nine different gaming
stations, plus a PSP Spot Download Station

Four PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system stations

Q&A With SCEA- Dave Karraker


A little more than a week ago we asked our readers to list some questions that they’d like to ask Sony Computer Entertainment of America.

Dave Karraker of SCEA was kind enough to answer some of those burning questions that we all had about our favorite PlayStation products. We asked about rumble, the PlayStation Network and the future of the PSP. Read on for the answers!

KZU: Sony created the SixAxis and EyeToy respectively, with the desire to bring a new level of gameplay to the console market. Should PlayStation 3 owners expect further innovation from a corporation that has made its name in making high-end, innovative consumer products and are there other official accessories planned for the PlayStation 3?
Dave: Absolutely. You can expect many more innovative accessories and services for PS3, as well as our other platforms. We have always been a technology-driven company, focusing on building systems that stand the test of time and don’t get abandoned after just five years. We have taken some grief over that recently, with people saying we “over-engineered” the PS3. But, ten years down the road, when the PS3 is still relevant, people will look back and say that we made the right decision to include so much forward-looking technology in the box.

KZU: Now that Sony and Immersion have settled, is rumble going to eventually make it’s way to the PlayStation 3 SIXAXIS controller?
Dave: We are currently in discussions with Immersion on how we can incorporate their technologies into our products. No word on when that will happen.

KZU: Regarding the XMB, are there plans to allow users to customize their backgrounds similar to the PSP?
Dave: Yes, we are currently exploring numerous options that allow people to make their PS3 experience more personalized.

KZU: Many users are hoping for cross game messaging(voice and/or text) in the future. Are there any other future XMB features that you can tell us about?
Dave: We are still just scratching the surface of what we hope to do with the XMB and the PlayStation Network. Rest assured we are listening very carefully to gamers and are investigating ways to implement the features they really want. I think you saw this most recently with the implementation of background downloading from the PlayStation Store.

KZU: This is a question that comes up often amongst various internet forums; where is the PlayStation Store pre-paid card and when can we expect to see it?
Dave: It is definitely in the works. No word on when it will be rolled out just yet. Naturally, a lot of planning and strategy around any pre-paid card would be heavily influenced by the PS3 download service that is in the works for other types of entertainment content beyond games.

KZU: Many PlayStation 3 users find the PlayStation Network and PlayStation Store are pretty good as it is, but what do you guys plan on doing in terms of getting more downloadable games and add-on content for games onto it?
Dave: You will see many more third party downloadable games soon, including original titles for the PS Network. Also, this summer is when you will start seeing more robust add-on packs for the games that came out at launch.

KZU: Some users are concerned about the small choice of third party game demos available and the delay of some demos in certain regions. Can we expect to see more demos from third parties and the region delays sorted out in the near future?
Dave: Yes. We were delayed on getting more third-party game content on the PS Store early on, but that should be ramping up very quickly in the next few months.

KZU: As mentioned, the PlayStation Network is pretty great, but many users are left confused by the lack of what many feel should be standard. Things such as no headset support have left online gamers slightly frustrated. Does Sony have any plans on standardizing features such as headset support, leaderboards or even requiring every developer to make their games PSN enabled in some form?
Dave: If you were at GDC you would have heard these topics come up often. Luckily, we had many of the answers in the service called “Home.” As the community hub for PS3, Home will include many of the features you described above and will encourage game developers to include more robust online elements to their games, including advanced communications. Remember, many of the third party games at launch were ports from games already in the works on other platforms. It takes a while for developers to get ramped up on everything they can do on PS3. Just now, we are starting to see people really thinking beyond what was possible in the past.

KZU: DVD and PS2/PS1 game upscaling- Are there any hopes of this making its way to the PlayStation 3?
Dave: We don’t have any news about this at this time.

KZU: Is the PlayStation Home beta trial gong to be open to everyone worldwide?
Dave: Eventually, yes. But, first there will be smaller scale betas for select groups.

KZU: Will LINUX ever be able to ACCESS the PS3’s RSX for 3D acceleration?
Dave: I don’t have any information on this.

KZU: After the last firmware update, we’ve noticed that when viewing the the file information for downloadable games, there is a mention of expiry dates and usage rights. Is this in preparation for subscriber content and perhaps downloadable films?
Dave: This is all part of the legal process of downloadable content. It is not necessarily a precursor for upcoming changes in functionality or services.

KZU: What does the future hold for the PSP? Are there anymore plans for PS3 & PSP integration?
Dave: We just announced the price drop on PSP which saw a really good bump in sales. We have also announced that we are looking to launch the entertainment download service this year, in addition to God of War coming to the platform. Thanks to Remote Play and the direct wi-fi connection, PS3/PSP integration is something developers can take advantage of right now. I would think as we start looking at this next generation of software you will see more and more game makers taking advantage of it.

KZU: What are SCEA’s views on international online play for the PlayStation 3? Will this be an integral part of future releases due to an increased usage of internet around the world, and the higher stability of the Playstation Network?
Dave: Right now, we are focused on enhancing the features of the PlayStation Network, listening to gamers on what they want most. Online gameplay is incredibly important, so we are looking at all the different options we can provide to make the gaming experience more exciting and interactive. You can expect many more announcements in this area very soon, particularly with the launch of Home.

KZU: Can you tell us anything about the Ti-Vo like functions Phil Harrison hinted at a while back?
Dave: It is no secret that with an internal hard drive in every PS3, the system could be used like a Tivo device. However, we have no announcements regarding such a service at this time.

KZU: Many users enjoy the PlayStation 3 web browser. But there are some concerns such as incompatibility with various Java and Flash based websites. Is the web browser in the PlayStation 3 upgradable, and will it happen?
Dave: The web browser in PS3 is upgradeable, along with almost all the software components in the system. You can expect us to continue to enhance the browser with added functionality throughout the PS3’s lifetime.

KZU: Can you tell us anything new about the game, Eight Days?
Dave: Nothing new to share on that game.

KZU: Of course you can’t tell us much about Killzone, but we’re looking forward to seeing it at E3 this year!
Dave: We got a really great reception to the Killzone video we showed at GDC this year. It was basically a tech demo that showed the particle lighting and other features, but I think it really showed where we are heading with Killzone. E3 will be the big coming out party, however.

Thanks Dave!
And a big thank you to the readers who have submitted such great questions. We’re sorry that not all of them could be answered but hopefully Dave will have more info to share with us in the near future.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

MAY 31st update for PSN

For the Eu:

Resistance Pack
Motorstorm v1.2 (this is unlikely)
Calling All Cars

For the US

A new Classic
Resistance packs
Motorstorm v1.2

For the Jap/Honk Kong

Motostorm v1.2

PlayStation 3 upgrade boosts image quality..The Hamilton Spectator

PlayStation 3 upgrade boosts image quality

Spectator File Photo The PlayStation 3 video game console now has a free download upgrade.

The Associated Press
(May 26, 2007)
A free download upgrade for the Sony PlayStation 3 enhances the image quality of movies and old video games and allows people to check out stored video, music files and digital photos through the Internet with the hand-held PlayStation Portable.

The upgrade, available for download worldwide, will improve the visual quality of PlayStation 2 games, as well as original PlayStation games, although it won't be quite as dazzling as the quality of PS3 games, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. officials said.

The software will also work to adjust the image quality of movies so they will look much better on the PS3, which is equipped to deliver higher image quality through next-generation Blu-ray disc technology.

Up to now, people could use the PlayStation Portable to watch content stored in their PS3 through a wireless local area network.

With the upgrade, users will be able to use PlayStation Portables to check out music, photos and video stored in their PS3 machines at home, while on the go, even from abroad, wherever there's an Internet connection. But they won't be able to play PS3 games on their portable console.
The PlayStation 3 has been losing the b
attle of next-generation video game consoles to Nintendo Co.'s Wii, which has won over the elderly and other newcomers with a wand-like remote control that can be used for fishing, tennis and other easy-to-play games.

Good to see news about Ps3 in my town Hamilton

Flaming 360 fanboy flops for PS3 with Warhawk and Home beta

Scott Rubin started G4 awhile ago and left after it went in a direction he didn't like after being picked up by cable. He has since started and has an almost daily web radio show. He has been slagging and dissing the PS3 for well over a year and a half, after becoming a 360 fanboy since its launch. Suddenly, he is totally flip-flopping after being seriously disappointed with the Halo 3 beta and falling in love with the Warhawk and Home beta. This the link to the web radio show, the top one is the most recent about his sudden switch:

The first link will replay the show or the show can be downloaded here:

Sony CFO "Price cut is difficult to justify"'s CFO said price cut on PS3 is very difficult, and can't see the reason for it.He said to do a price cut of $100 will cost company $1.1 billion,which is very difficult to justfy itself.'

European Blu-ray Disc Sales Jump Following PS3 Release

The Sony PlayStation 3 isn’t only a powerful piece of gaming hardware; it’s also one of the best Blu-ray Disc players currently on the market. PlayStation 3 owners are well of this fact, and may likely be using the console as a part-time HD movie player.
Following the North American release of the PS3 in November 2006, Blu-ray movie sales surged significantly – making up for ground lost to the more economical HD DVD standard. A similar trend is now occurring in Western Europe, where the PlayStation 3 launched on March 23.
According to data from the Blu-ray Disc Association, as cited by Pocket-lint, HD DVD comfortably outsold Blu-ray Disc up until the launch of the PS3. In the week immediately after the console’s European launch, Blu-ray discs accounted for almost 87% of all HD disc sales, and not since trailed HD DVD sales.
Recent weekly figures from Europe put Blu-ray sales three times greater than that of HD DVD, with the now-leading format accounting for 64 percent of the total volume in 2007. The quick turn of the tide, however, reflects how easily it is to sway favor in a still relatively small niche market.

PS3 Gets New Ad Campaign In U.S.

The first set of commercials for the PS3 were all kinds of artistic and subtle...but they were also a touch confusing. Sony is famous for such PlayStation ads, but now, they're launching a brand new campaign in the U.S. You'll soon start seeing them on television, and here is one of the pics from that campaign.

Now, this seems somewhat standard to us. In fact, it looks very similar to the Wii commercials, which focuses on "player fun" and typically shows multiple gamers having a blast with the system. But the rumor is that this new campaign is called "Sony Lifestyle," which may have a bigger message behind the multiplayer entertainment pics we've been seeing.

There is also the possibility that the campaign is targeting an older, more mature audience, but that wouldn't be too surprising. We'll have to wait and see what the actual spoken content of these ads will be, but we doubt it'll be as straightforward as the pics. ...this is Sony, after all.

GRAW 2 gets alot of new things for the PS3 version

8 new high tech weapons
14 revamped mutipalyer maps from other Ghost recon games
A brand new Co-op mode
New Community features such as game invites and Freind list
The PS3 version will use the Sixaxis montion sensor
They also fix glitches from the 360 verison, and they fix the camera

New Uncharted screenshots

The Darkness (PS3)

More info about this game>>>

New screenshots from Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction