Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Final Fantasy XIII demo statement due this month?

Nick Doerr taps his fingers impatiently, waiting to hear the mail delivery truck to roll past his apartment complex's mailbox hut. Every day, he wonders if that new issue of EGM will arrive. Since the month of the magazine and the actual month are never the same and the delivery dates appear arbitrary, it's little more than a guessing game. However, he's a reason to be excited this time around. Final Fantasy XIII is coming. Maybe.

We reported a long time ago that there might be a demo coming out this year for FFXIII: Crazy Latinese Subtitle and estimated its arrival... let's see... after TGS'07 -- the demo itself was scheduled to be completed by E3'07. Apparently EGM had a little blip inside an issue (it may have been the April issue) confirming such a demo heading to the PS-Store. If we're already hearing that, can we expect it sooner? E3 is just around the corner and down a block, so maybe we'll get that demo then, instead? Whatever, keep your ears open

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